Who is a Blogger, What does he do and How much does he Earn?

2 min readNov 27, 2021

(Who is a Blogger, What does he do and How much does he Earn?) Often you will hear in many places that this blogger is the owner of this website or you must have heard in an interview that I am a blogger and I am the owner of this blog, I earn so much.

What do blogger people do in their blog and they give solution to the problem of millions of people blogger is of three types first professional blogger second blogger and third beginner blogger?

So this question must have come to your mind that who is this blogger and what work do they do and how much they earn, I will tell you in this article.


Who is a Blogger?

A blogger publishes full content of information knowledge on his blog, it solves the problem of millions of people. Blogger collects the information and puts it in his blog.

If any user does not understand anything, then he will search on google, google will put the blog post of that blogger in front of you who has answered that question.

You searched who is a blogger and you came to our post, then I am a blogger who puts information on my blog sourablog so that you get the answer to your question.

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Sourablog This is website to create blog or post and read blog